S.O.F.T. Coffee Mornings 2018
♠♠♠ S.O.F.T. Ireland Coffee Mornings ♠♠♠
The SUPPORT ORGANISATION FOR TRISOMY (S.O.F.T.) is a voluntary group dedicated to providing support, assistance and information for families of children diagnosed and born with Patau’s Syndrome (T13) and Edward’s syndrome (T18). Babies born with these syndromes often have serious life threatening conditions with developmental delay and a limited life expectancy.
Support is provided during pre-natal diagnosis, during the child’s life and after the child’s passing.
The primary function is to raise funds and prmote SOFT Ireland as well as to assure families that we re there to help.
Coffee Morning Castletroy Park Hotel Limerick
Michael and Kay Fagan as well as Nicola and Greg Foley organised a Coffee Morning on Tues 6th March in Castletroy Park Hotel Limerick in the Conservatory
The hotel is situated off the M7 Dublin motorway, adjacent to the University of Limerick and minutes from Limerick centre
Below are some pictures from the Event and it wouldn’t have been so successful only for the Sponsorship of the Tea/Coffee & beautiful pastries / desserts sponsored on the day by colleagues here at The Castletroy Park Hotel.
Coffee Morning and Raffle Pastoral Centre, Dunshaughlin
St Valentine’s Day clashed with Ash Wednesday this year on Wed 14th Feb may have impeded peoples ability to consume too many cakes. But helped to moderate their dietary intake just a little. Overall it ran off smoothly. Just to mention that the Raffle Sponsors were Cillin Cakes, Supervalu, Champagne Beauty, Classic Cuts etc….And everything that went into the box goes to SOFT and is much appreciated.
Coffee Mornings Meath
Jackie and Ian O’Brien report on their recent annual festive coffee afternoon.
“The coffee afternoon was in memory of our dearest sister Dolly and Dad Derry, whom we all miss very much.”
“Thanks to SOFT Ireland for all their support over the years and also for their continued support. It is great to be able to help and support SOFT in any way we can.
This year our coffee afternoon was held on the 3rd Dec 2017 at the usual venue. We all had a great day and it was great to see some of our SOFT friends attend. We raised €900 on the day.”
“We are also delighted to have two cheques for SOFT Ireland, each worth €5OO each.
These cheques were presented to us for SOFT Ireland by The Combines 4 Charity group and we are very thankful to them for thinking of SOFT Ireland. We hope that SOFT will benefit greatly from the total amount of €1900 raised.”
Combines 4 Charity was formed in 2009 by a group of 10 cereal famers.
SOFT Ireland is very grateful to Ian and Jackie who are SOST Members and to Combines 4 Charity for such a generous donation.
Other coffee mornings organised were
Antoinette and Adrian Conroy on Fri 9 Feb
Geraldine and Terry Matthews on Sun 4 Mar
Thanks to everyone.