Caring for Special Babies & Children/Adults
Support Organisation for Trisomy 13/18 - (Patau's/Edward's Syndrome)



S.O.F.T. Ireland Appeal for Donations



S.O.F.T. Ireland

Appeal for Donations


For a limited period of one week SOFT Christmas Cards 2024 were available with four different types of cards in groups of four. This finished Mon 16 Dec 2024. You can still donate to SOFT though through general donate button below or through home page.

Donate to SOFT

SOFT Ireland is appealing to the General Public for a small donation to help us continue our work. Fundraising and donations are our main source of income and that is very challenging in these difficult times. Let’s spread the generosity and we will keep it featured on an ongoing basis just in case you forget or didn’t get a chance.

While most people have 23 pairs of chromosomes, some have a condition that causes extra partial or full chromosomes in their cells. Those extra chromosomes can cause a range of health problems, learning difficulties as well as delays in physical development. We  hope to raises awareness about trisomy conditions and the challenges these conditions may pose to individuals and families, SOFT Ireland provide support during pre-natal diagnosis, during the child’s life and after the child’s passing.

Support Organisation For Trisomy (S.O.F.T.), a national registered charity, is a voluntary group dedicated to providing support, assistance and information to families of children diagnosed and born with Patau’s Syndrome (Trisomy 13) and Edwards’ Syndrome (Trisomy 18).

f you feel very generous and you wish to donate more than €50 then please email and request SOFT Ireland IBAN.

If donating using GivenGain then you have three options below any of which is acceptable.

“Don’t cover the fees for the charity” 0%

“Cover the fees for the charity” 8%

“Cover the fees for the charity and support the work of the GivenGain Foundation”  >8%


Donate to SOFT


Donate Button

We are grateful to all our recent fundraisers Sophie Belle and her mum Nicola, Chloe Marah River Island, Mahon Point Cork and Niamh Matthews and friends.

We now have a DONATE button on the front page of our website which makes it very easy for people to give us much needed funds.

This will channel donations directly to S.O.F.T. Ireland, The Support Organisation for Trisomy13 and Trisomy18 in Ireland.

This is ideal for multiple small donations.

But if you do a normal fundraiser and want to get the proceeds to us then please just contact

Also if anyone would like to fundraise for SOFT through a CAUSE with an online DONATE facility please contact us at