Remembrance NMH 2024
National Maternity Hospital (NMH) Annual Remembrance Service
The National Maternity Hospital Annual Remembrance Service will take place
at 3pm on Sunday the13th of October
in St Andrews Church Westland Row, Dublin 2.
This service is held annually for the parents and their families whose babies have died. It is a very healing and meaningful experience and all are always very welcome.
This service took place today Sun 13 Oct 2024.
People by the loss of a baby or babies joined in and got some comfort on this special day.
The loss of a baby at any stage during pregnancy or after birth is devastating to a family. Providing an empathetic, sensitive and caring environment to support couples and their families following a pregnancy loss is now an integral part of NHM maternity services.
Rememberance Service
“Every life that ever forms or ever comes to be touches the world in a small way for all eternity”
Four Candles were presented
The first candle represents our grief
The pain of loving you is intense
I reminds us of the dept of our love for you
The second candle represents our courage
To confront our sorrows
To confront each other
The third candle is for our love
with our family friends and colleagues
We cherish the special place in our hearts
The forth candle is the remembrance candle
which we will light in memory of our babies
We love you
We remember you
The procession of symbols had four items presented on a table, a teddy bear, a packet of seeds, a vase of water and a lighted candle

NMH Procession of Symbols Teddy Seeds Water
The candle procession had each family in the congregation present a lighted candle to the alter.

Candle Processsion
The remembrance book was available at the front of the alter after the service for anyone who would like to view their baby’s entry
In attendance were NMH Staff, SOFT Ireland, Feileacain, A Little Lifetime and more
National Maternity Hospital Remembrance Candle
Sometimes love is for a moment
Sometimes love is for a lifetime
Sometimes a moment is a lifetime
A member of each family is invited to light a candle in memory of their baby. All family members are invited to walk in the procession. The procession of lighted candles is the central act of the gathering. The candles are placed in the sanctuary and on the altar. May we go gently and peacefully from here remembering all SOFT Children.