Caring for Special Babies & Children/Adults
Support Organisation for Trisomy 13/18 - (Patau's/Edward's Syndrome)


Dunderry Coffee Morning

That time of year again…. Dunderry Coffee morning/Day was on Sunday (8th of December) ….there was mulled wine, mince pies, and other glorious festive calories. Raffle on the day, lashings of tea, coffee and plenty of craic. 12 pm til late. All were welcome. All proceeds in aid of SOFT Ireland and Clady Hall. Many thanks to Ian and Jackie and friends for running such a successful event.

A Little Christmas Robin has told us that the Annual Festive Coffee Morning/Day at the home of Ian and Jackie O Brien, Meadstown, Dunderry, Navan will take place on Sunday next 8th December 2024 from 12 noon till late.
Mulled wine, mince pies, and all festive fare with Home produce and craft items also.
Please come along and support . All are welcome and is in aid of Claddy Hall and S.O.F.T. Ireland.




21KM for 21 Years



21KM for 21 Years

Sunday 22 Sept 2024

Baby Patrick Gerard



GO TO Eventmaster GiveToYou HERE




Congratulations to Yvonne, Rebecca and all the Team running for S.O.F.T Ireland on Sunday 22 September 2024 in the Dublin Half Marathon in the Phoenix Park. There were over 6000 entries on the day creating a huge spectacle and avalanche of runners of all types creating their own PB’s. The race would be great preparation for anyone running in the Dublin City Marathon in October.  We are very grateful to all who have donated to our cause. What a day for Baby Patrick Gerard!

Yvonne and Rebecca Farrelly from Meath both sisters are running a fundraiser in memory of Baby Brother Patrick Gerard who died with Edward’s Syndrome Trisomy 18 (T18) in 2003. They will have an army of relations and friends to help them along on the day. This will be BIG and watch this space.
They are running 21km to remember his 21 years on Sunday 22nd of September in Dublin’s Half Marathon and are raising funds for S.O.F.T. Ireland as a thank you for all the support they as a family have received over the last 21 years. They will be running with family and friends and hope to gather as many people as possible.The Irish Life Dublin Half Marathon 2024 will take place on Sunday, 22nd at 9 am in the Phoenix Park.
Googling Half Marathon and you get the 21Km bit just in case you don’t know!
“A road race of 13.1094 miles or 21.0975km is exactly half the distance of a full marathon”
And if you subtract 2003 the year that Patrick Gerard was born)! from 2024 you get 21 years so now you know!
Baby Patrick Gerard will be in the heart of everyone in and around the day.


21KM for 21 Years is an Eventmaster Event and all donations are welcome through this fundraising page.


There will be NO parking in Phoenix Park on race day

A moderately hilly circular running route, approximately 21Km long

The Third Quarter is the hardest part of the race!

Remember that you trained for this race at this pace!

It is an easy super flat course built for personal bests!

CUT OFF TIME 3 hours 15 minutes (195 Minutes or nine and a half minute per kilometer approx).

FinisherPix will be at the Irish Life Dublin Half Marathon to capture your race memories

See you all on the day!



Clontarf Golf Club Charity Day



Clontarf Golf Club

Charity Day

Sat 07 Sep 2024




Clontarf Golf & Bowling Club had a very successful Captain and Lady Captain’s Charity Day on Sat 07 Sep 2024 all in aid of two very worthy charities, the Jack and Jill Children’s Foundation and S.O.F.T. Ireland. They had a 4 Person Rumble and a charity auction that evening.S.O.F.T Ireland would like to extend our congratulations to Orla and her team on running such a successful event. See
Clontarf Golf & Bowling Club
Orla Fetherston, Lady Captain Clontarf Golf Club is having a Charity Day Saturday 07 September and S.O.F.T. Ireland has been nominated as a beneficiary. Our charity is close to her heart as she had a Trisomy 13 Patau’s Syndrome baby. Alex and Paula were in contact with Orla and said we were delighted she thought of us. They will have a banner, T-shirts, “Why Our Baby? “Books, Pre Natal Support & Information Leaflets, Newsletters etc.
“Clontarf Golf Club was founded in 1912 with the Bowling Club added in 1925 and over the years it has played a big part in the local community with our involvement in charities such as St. Michael’s House, the Howth and Clontarf Lions’ Clubs and the Society of St. Vincent de Paul and close links to our neighbouring sports clubs.
We have a long tradition of success in golf and bowling, at individual and team levels, and we look forward in the future to achieving more success in both. The development of our Junior Members, with the great support of our teams, has led to a strong history of high achievement.
Today the Club offers to golfers and bowlers of all generations, members and visitors, a warm welcome for membership and hospitality in very convivial surroundings.”
It will be a day to remember and will spread the word about SOFT and maybe one day the PGA Tour will stop there!


In Memory of AJ GoFundMe

Adrian & Laura McHale Facebook

SOFT Facebook


Adrian & Laura McHale, parents to our beloved son AJ (Adrian Junior) AJ sadly went to the angels in June 2017 at just 17 days old. AJ is the youngest of our 4 amazing children. He was adored and loved by his big sister Ava-Lauren and his two big brothers Culáin & Fionán.
For 17 days, beginning on AJ’s birthday June 9th and finishing on his anniversary June 25th Adrian and his lifelong friend Michael McDermott will run 17km for each of the 17 days of AJ’s short life.
Laura will walk 7km each day for the same period marking his 7th year Anniversary and embracing his 17 days of life.
The day before each walk and run Laura will post the time and place the walk/run will begin the following day. Both Laura and Adrian would welcome anyone who would like to join them on their daily challenge for AJ.
Our motivation and hope behind this fundraiser is to give back to 3 of the amazing services and charities that supported us as a family in our darkest days.
  1. Sligo University Hospital – Maternity Bereavement Services

  2. First Light

  3. S.O.F.T. Ireland

    Day 17 – Tuesday 25th June AJ’s Anniversary

    Walk began at Scarden Cemetery Strandhill road at 5.15pm
    Run began at Scarden Cemetery Strandhill road at 5.15pm
    Day 17 over and task complete. Well done everyone.
    Paula and Alex decided to do something about it so rather than do a click on a website or a like on facebook they walked the walk and talked the talk with Laura and Adrian in person for AJ on Day 17. What an experience that one can only get by being there. No words can describe except maybe a memorial Card for AJ hot off the press below says it all. Well done Laura and Adrian AJ is proud of you.
    DAY 14/17 Walk and Run in Memory of AJ
    Walk and Run number 14 done ✔️
    Today’s walk was a very special one for me as I walked in my hometown of Longford. The turn out of support was overwhelming. It meant the world to me to have Yvonne Kenny Clancy, Gavin Clancy, Lisa Forde and her son Sam, Vinny Forde, Eugenie Hanly, Tina Reddy, Ollie Kenny, Peadar Kenny, Christine O’Brien and Oscar, Ray Masterson, Nicola Croke, Tamara Nicholas, Maureen Fallon and her son Charlie, Liz Hourican, Frank Kenny, Patricia Kenny, Louise, Travis and Bella, Ava-Lauren, Culáin and Fionán there with us.
    Our runners, Michael and Adrian were also bless with great company and support back here in Sligo. Thank you to John Silke, Kevin Kiernan, Rachel Harte Scanlon, Deirdre MurphyWarner Wilders, James O’Hehir, Michael McMorrow, and Jacob Fleming
    Thanks to Ana Faye who did her 7km walk and to Nicola Casey who ran 17km today also.
    A huge thank you to everyone who has shared our posts and donated to our fundraiser. We appreciate all of your support so much 💙
    **** Only 3 walks and runs left to do. Please like, share, and donate if you can. Every single donation is getting us closer to our 17k target***
    Day 15 – Sunday 23rd
    Walk will begin at Mitchell Curley Park at 3pm
    Run will begin at Mitchell Curley Park at 3pm
    Day 16 – Monday 24th
    Walk will begin at Mitchell Curley Park at 11am
    Run will begin at Lidl carpark in Finisklin at 3pm
    Day 17 – Tuesday 25th AJ’s Anniversary
    Walk will begin at Scarden Cemetery Strandhill road at 5.15pm
    Run will begin at Scarden Cemetery Strandhill road at 5.15pm
    For more information on our story and charities/organisations we are raising funds for. Please find the gofundme link below to donate 🙏
    DAY 8/17 Walk and Run in Memory of AJ
    Walk and Run number 8 completed with weather conditions again in our favour 🌞
    We had most amazing turnout today with wonderful friends and family showing up to show their support along our walk and run.
    Today was as special one as its Fathers Day. Fathers Day seven years ago was the day we got to bring our AJ home. Today we remembered the Daddy’s who have babies in heaven and those of whom are without their Dads and husbands. Every single step was for you today.
    A very big thank you to today’s walkers who were Ana Faye, Noreen Mchale, John McHale, Louise TaaffeAlan Taaffe and their three gorgeous kids Cooper, Dennan and Megan, Fiona Fahey GilmartinMarie Fahey, Vanessa Foley, Renee GunningDeirdre MurphyFiona Boyle and her son Flynn, Edel Louisa FlynnLiz Flynn, Ava-Lauren, Culáin, Fionán, Grace & Ciara
    A special mention has to go to one of today’s walkers, Marie Fahey. Marie and her husband Jonathan have been friends of ours for many years. On the morning of AJ’s birth the stars aligned and Marie was there as our midwife and friend. Marie held our hand on the most overwhelming days of our lives. We were blessed to have you then and still blessed to have you now. We love you so much 💗
    Our runners, Michael and Adrian, were joined on their 17km’s by Nicola Casey and Kevin and Corinna Kiernan
    Caoimhe McDermott also ran 17km in memory of AJ on a solo run
    Thank you too to all the wonderful people who are doing walks in other places and counties in memory of AJ.
    DAY 9 –
    Walk will begin at Mitchell Curley Park at 6pm
    Run will begin at Lidl carpark Finisklin at 2.30
    For more information on our story and charities/organisations we are raising funds for. Please find the gofundme link below to donate 🙏
    DAY 4/17 Walk and Run in Memory of AJ
    Walk and Run number 4 completed. Blessed with the weather again today making really lovely walking and running conditions 🌞
    We had fantastic company along our walk and run again today.
    DAY 1/17 Walk and Run in Memory of AJ
    Walk and Run number 1 completed. The rain was relentless but that did not dampen our spirits as we walked and ran this morning.
    We marked the start of today’s challenge by wishing our son AJ a happy heavenly 7th birthday.


Vhi Women’s Mini Marathon 2024

S.O.F.T. Ireland

VHI Women’s Mini Marathon now closed

Sunday 2nd June 2024

Well Done to everyone for participating!!! 

Results 2024

Register HERE for 2025!

Teresa, Aoibhín, Ciara, Sinead and Ellen

Back Row L-R Deirdre Lambert Susan Treacy

Middle Row L-R Laura Fitzgerald Michelle Kinch-Sheehan Jane Hill Niki Conley

Front Row Paula Doyle Jane Montague Peters Ann Rooney


Let’s not forget

Lucy who died from Edwards’ Syndrome (Trisomy 18)

Christopher who died from Patau’s Syndrome (Trisomy 13)

Brona who died with Edwards’ Syndrome (Trisomy 18)

And all the SOFT Children with Patau’s Syndrome (Trisomy 13) and Edwards’ Syndrome (Trisomy 18)

It was a great day for SOFT!




Lord Mayor’s Community and Voluntary Awards


Cork City Hall

City Hall on a SOFT Day!

Cork Lord Mayor’s

Community and Voluntary Awards

Wed 10April2024



Congratulations to S.H.A.R.E .Housing on being the winners on the night in our category. Congratulations to S.O.F.T. Ireland on putting on a great show and to Good Shepherd Services on making it to the final three. We were all winners on the night with a great presentation given by Martina and a novel interval act by the Lord Mayor of Cork, Cllr Kieran McCarthy. Well Done to All!


The Lord Mayor’s

Civic, Culture and Community

& Voluntary Awards 2024

On YouTube View From 2:34:00


Do you Read me Over!

SOFT Ireland has been nominated for a local Community Volunteer Award here in Cork through Cork City Council. We have received a call that SOFT has been shortlisted to the final Three in Community and Volunteering category.  What will we do if we WIN!

We have given the organisers a brief outline of the work SOFT has been doing in communities all over Ireland since 1991.  They have contacted us over the a few days for more information. The award presentation will be held in Cork on 11th April.  Martina (Who nominated SOFT), Patricia and a few more volunteers are happy to attend as the nominator. 

We know the competition is very strong for these awards however we feel even if we got some recognition of the work SOFT does in the community it would help to raise our profile.  This event is sponsored by Irish Examiner group who are always happy to promote the event. The Cork ECHO have done a piece on Martina and SOFT and it is a fantastic read. Attached at end.

SOFT is looking forward to seeing some photos we supplied to reflect on SOFT in a presentation on Wed 10April. SOFT is nominated for the 2024 Cork Lord Mayor’s Community and Voluntary Awards. Martina O’Reilly, Patricia Grehan and a few more volunteers will represent us on the night.

You will see a few selected photos in no particular order but represent what SOFT does hopefully. Autumn Break, Coffee Morning,, Cork Womens Mini Marathon, Family Outing, Newsletter05, Newsletter21, Newsletter23, Presentation, SOFT_Logo, SoftCandle, SoftStand&Tapestry, VHI_MiniMarathon, WhyOurBabyBook, WhyOurBabyBookLaunch.

The Lord Mayor of Cork, Cllr Kieran McCarthy this week announced the shortlisted organisations for Cork City’s Lord Mayor’s Community and Voluntary Awards 2024. This year sees the 21st anniversary of these awards, co-sponsored by The Echo/, media partners since it’s inception.

Speaking at the announcement the Lord Mayor praised the work of all organisations, nominated and shortlisted, saying, “Truth be told we would have given all 108 organisations nominated an award if we could. The shortlisted organisations are a great representation from across the board of the fantastic work being done across the city by community and voluntary organisations. In essence they form the heart of Cork society and its caring DNA of togetherness and solidarity.”

The presentation will take place at a gala event in the Concert Hall, City Hall, Cork on the evening of Wednesday, April 10th.  Seven influential Cork people are also set to be honoured on the night; with Gary McCarthy, Fahmeda Naheed, Dr. Naomi Masheti, Jean Downey and Donnacha O’ Callaghan receiving Lord Mayor’s Civic Awards, and Marion Wyatt receiving the 2024 Lord Mayor’s Culture Award.

The event will be livestreamed on from 19.30. Not sure where on the website it will be.

The shortlisted organisations are as follows for Social Services, Charity and Environment:

SOFT Ireland

S.O.F.T. Ireland is a voluntary group dedicated to providing support, assistance and information for families of children diagnosed and born with Patau’s Syndrome (Trisomy 13) and Edwards’ Syndrome (Trisomy 18). Babies born with these syndromes often have serious life-threatening conditions with development delay and a limited life expectancy. Support is provided during pre-natal diagnosis, during the child’s life and after the child’s passing.

Good Shepherd Services

Good Shepherd Cork through trusting relationships we support women and children who are vulnerable to homelessness to live more empowered, fulfilled and self-sufficient lives. We work with women, children and families to achieve our mission.

S.H.A.R.E. Housing

SHARE Cork provides supported independent living in their 140 comfortable and secure housing units across seven different locations which are overseen on an ongoing basis by SHARE personnel.



Kircubbin Integrated Primary School Non Uniform Day


Kircubbin Integrated Primary School

Non Uniform Day

Kircubbin Integrated Primary School hosted a non uniform day for S.O.F.T. Ireland. The children dressed in rainbow colours from SOFT logo on Friday 1 March 2024 to raise funds for SOFT Ireland who help to support one of their own families.  Thanks for their generosity and they have raised over £410!  Well done everyone!

The school had a visit from SOFT Ireland (Paula and Alex) on Monday 11 March 2024 at assembly to present them with the proceeds and find out more about SOFT. Alex is Chairperson of SOFT and had met Alfie’s family including Charlie who were in attendance. Proceedings were opened by Roger the school principal who welcomed us all. Alphie spoke about Charlie his brother and SOFT. Paula spoke about SOFT and had a copy of “Why Our Baby Book?”, a Pre- Natal leaflet and a Newletter that SOFT produce.

The pupils on the School Council at Kircubbin Integrated Primary School get to choose two of the charities they support during the school year. This year they have chosen to support SOFT Ireland as they have a pupil in P7 (Alfie) whose younger brother (Charlie) has been supported by their work.  In order to raise funds they hosted a non uniform day. The School Council have written an article about the event and will go into the SOFT Newsletter this Summer along with photos. Alphie’s speech will also appear which is very emotional and there wasn’t a dry eye in the hall! The children were very well behaved and this a credit to the Principal, the Staff and the Pupils themselves.

 “At Kircubbin Integrated Primary School we firmly believe that we all need to love and be loved.  Through core integrated principles of equality, faith and values, parental involvement and social responsibility we aim to ensure all within our school community are valued, respected and loved.  In learning to love, our children can love to learn and achieve their full potential.”

The first ever Integrated school was opened by parents in Belfast in 1981. Since then, many more Integrated schools have been developed with the intention of proactively bring young people together to support peace building in Northern Ireland.

Kircubbin in Northern Ireland is an idyllic scenic village half way between Newtownards and Portaferry on the East side of Strangford Lough. The other side of the lough is close to “Van Morrison Country” including “Coney Island”, “Ardglass” and “St. John’s Point”.



Ballivor Coffee Morning Update

Ballivor Coffee Morning

A coffee morning was held for SOFT in the Community Centre in Ballivor by Hazel Doyle and friends.

This was an ideal event on good day Saturday, at a good time 11am to 1pm, for a nice duration of two hours, at good location in the community centre, in a good room beside the kitchen, with a good mixture of friends and associates, with a great selection of cakes and buns with SOFT on them that was well appreciated, on top of that plenty of tea and coffee and even a mocha or two. Why was the coffee as good as Starbucks or Costa? Because it was local!.

We even had a raffle with lots of tickets sold and lots of prizes won that were donated by the community.

This is how a small idea can develop into a big event!

Thanks to Hazel and Company for organising this event and inviting us all to it.

I will say no more!


S.O.F.T. Coffee Morning

Community Centre


Co. Meath



Hazel Doyle is organising a Coffee Morning for SOFT in memory of her daughter Elizabeth still born in 1999 with Edwards’ Syndrome Trisomy 18.

The Coffee Morning will be in Ballivor Community Centre in Co. Meath on Sat17 February 2024 11am to 1pm and all are welcome. If you can or can’t make it you can still donate on this campaign here..

Let’s spread the generosity around Sat 17 February 2024 and make it a GIVING Saturday.

SOFT Ireland is appealing to the General Public for a small donation to help us continue our work. Fundraising and donations are our main source of income and that is very challenging in these difficult times. Let’s spread the generosity and we will keep it featured on an ongoing basis just in case you forget or didn’t get a chance.